How to Prepare for a Fire Damage Restoration Contractor Visit in Maryland
No one is ever quite prepared when disaster hits so close to home. A fire at your residence can be a destructive event, even if the damage is confined to a small area or one room. Beyond what is beyond repair, things like smoke damage as well as water damage that may occur depending on how the blaze is extinguished, can further damage belongings within the home. Homeowners and renters should take a deep breath first because fortunately, there are trained professionals available and ready to help make you whole again. Beyond insurance coverage, fire damage remediation specialists can help restore salvageable belongings. If you have called on a fire damage restoration contractor, here are some things that you can do ahead of time to help prepare your dwelling for an assessment.

- Documentation: Note the Damages
Documentation matters. Hopefully, you have a good inventory list of your possessions and any property within the family home or apartment that was impacted by a fire event. This will help you in a number or ways. Take photos and video of the damaged areas (interior and exterior).
First, it provides details that will be easy to pass on to your insurance company (we will talk more on that later). Second, doing this will provide a good road map for the fire damage restoration contractor’s assessment. Giving these professionals as much information and detail ahead of their visit will make their job easier because you are giving them an idea of what to look for, where to look, and your own personal assessment of the damage to your possessions.
- Contact Your Insurance Company
It is an imperative step for you to let your insurance company know that a fire event has occurred within your residence. You can also give your insurance representative a heads-up that you have hired a fire damage restoration contractor who will be providing a third-party opinion about damages.
If you have an inventory of your belongings pre-prepared, you can also provide your insurance company with the fire damage remediation assessment of damages. Their assessment will be a good basis for your insurance company to get your claim underway. A bonus of hiring one of these restoration specialists means that they work for you, not your insurance company.
- Make Sure Your Home or Apartment is Secure
If your insurance covers any type of debris removal, we recommend letting the professionals handle that job. Debris and ash should always be removed with caution. It can be hard to identify potential hazards underneath partially damaged possessions and ash.
Board up any windows and other openings to keep critters and other unwanted guests out. Cover any holes in the roof to prevent further damage from the elements (you do not need rain causing more damage) and be sure to address any holes in the floor as well.
- Hire the Right Fire Remediation Professionals
These experts are trained to conduct property-wide inspections and provide accurate assessments speaking to the extent of damages to your private property but before committing to hiring a company to send a fire damage restoration contractor to your home for an assessment, you will want to do your research. Companies that offer 24/7 remediation response are dedicated to helping those who have been impacted by at-home disasters whenever they may occur because disasters do not take holidays or weekends off.
Visiting company websites will give you a good sense of who these professionals are and what they do. But it is important to do a little leg work and see what those who have hired a company have to say. How is the customer service? How prompt were the remediation professionals? Did people have a pleasant experience working with a company? Look at Yelp and Google Reviews to see what others have to say and make an informed choice.
Are you looking for a fire damage restoration contractor in Maryland? Coventry Services has you covered. Our fire restoration specialists are skilled in smoke damage remediation and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit our website to contact us.